After yesterday?s gig our emotions has fallen down a bit, then we can tell several words from our own. At the beginning we wish to thank to every person who contribute to this event had place at all. Thanks to Municipal Cultural Centre in Bydgoszcz, and especially to Marek Maciejewski! Big thanks to MCK?s technical crew (Filip Pniewski and the all who we did not make it to meet better) who were equal to the task and took care about sound and lighting!

The great thanks to the bands Factor 8 and Rain of Claims who share with as the stage that evening! Wish more such gigs! 🙂

The very special thanks to Marta Bejma who supported us with her voice and personality once again! Without her our gig wouldn?t be so powerful! 😀

And the most important, the very great thanks goes to You, the audience, that supported us with your numerous presence on this event! There were more of You than declared on the social media! It doesn?t happen very often! THANK YOU WITH ALL OUR HEARTS! It was the great pleasure to give the gig at that evening!!!!

With the greatest respect!

.: ALHENA :.

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