
The excitement after the publication of Changes has not yet cooled down, and we bring you another, completely new single! It is titled Different Sky and, like the previous one, it was recorded during Alhena‘s April concert during the “Maidens of Metal Live, vol. 1” festival at the Złocieniec Cultural Center. The footage was taken by the reliable 1025.rocks team!

Different Sky Live Thumbnail

Traditionally, we encourage you to watch 👀 and listen 👂, leave a thumbs up 👍 under the film, comment, comment ⌨, and share it with your friends! 🤩🥳

We also ask you to subscribe to our YouTube, we promise you won’t regret it! 🤭

.: ALHENA :.

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Today we bring you a concert video for our new single titled Changes. We hope that the video reflects a part of the impressions that ALHENA gives you at concerts! 🥰🫶

Changes Live Thumbnail

The song was recorded during the April concert as part of the “Maidens of Metal Live, vol. 1” w Złocienieckim Ośrodku Kultury. festival at the Złocieniec Culture Center. The footage was taken by the 1025.rocks crew, with whom the Alhena band has been closely cooperating for some time and who did a really brilliant shots! 😉

And we warmly encourage you to watch and listen to Changes, leave a thumbs up 👍 under the video, and also to express your opinion in the comment ⌨. Your opinion is important as gold to us! 🥇

We also ask you to subscribe our YouTube channel, especially since something else will appear there soon! 👀 So stay tuned! 👁

.: ALHENA :.

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A few nice words about the last concert of Alhena appeared in August issue of Teraz Rock magazine! 😊

Teraz Rock - August 2024

Thank you very much for these words! 🥰 We are very pleased that we have satisfied your tastes! 💪🖤

Teraz Rock 8/2024

We encourage you to familiarize yourself with the publication (available both, paper and electronic version), because the content of the entire issue is interesting and worth attention. 🤓

.: ALHENA :.

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Yesterday, during the second day of the Tomasz Beksiński Progressive Rock Festival in Toruń, all members of the ALHENA band received Awards in the Piotr “Grudzień” Grudziński Plebiscite. 😱🥰

SIN PROGRES - Wyróżnienia   SIN PROGRES - Grafiki

<p style="text-indent: 5mm"The plebiscite is organized by Stowarzyszenie Inicjatyw Niezależnych “Progres” and is a kind of tribute to Piotr Grudziński, an outstanding guitarist of the Riverside band, who died suddenly in 2016. 💔>

SIN PROGRES - Dominika Kapuśniak   SIN PROGRES - Bartosz Kazimierski

SIN PROGRES - Piotr Grugel   SIN PROGRES - Piotr Pryka

SIN PROGRES - Maciej Tonder   SIN PROGRES - Alhena [FIX]

Being the winner of such an undertaking is undoubtedly an honour, therefore we would like to thank SIN Progres and all those who contributed to our distinction in such a noble initiative! 🫶🖤

.: ALHENA :.

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This time Wrocław! Our manager, Robert Wałcerz, appeared in the “Nie Przegap” show, where together with Kacper Kasprzak, artistic coordinator Rockowa Żórawina festival, introduced the upcoming event with the participation of the Alhena.

Robert at Nie Przegap - 01.06.2024

We would like to thank the host – Agnieszka Kapłon – for the invitation and interesting conversation! 🙂

.: ALHENA :.

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Today we had the opportunity to appear again in the “Pokój na Poddaszu” show on Polish Television. 🙂

Piotr at Pokoj na Poddaszu 15.04.2024

Piotr, the band’s drummer, together with Agnieszka Kuźmińska, the organizer of the Spring Prog Festival, talked about what you can expect at this year’s edition of the festival.

Piotr at Pokoj na Poddaszu 15.04.2024

We would like to thank TVP3 Katowice for the invitation and hospitality, and the host – Piotr Trzciński – for a very nice meeting and conversation!

Piotr at Pokoj na Poddaszu 15.04.2024

.: ALHENA :.

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In the latest issue of Teraz Rock magazine (april 2024) they say about us and the SIN “Progres” awards!! 💥

Teraz Rock 4/2024 - Strona 13 Teraz Rock 4/2024 - Strona 13 - ALHENA

See you soon!! 🤘

Teraz Rock 4/2024 - COVER

.: ALHENA :.

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Today we made our debut on National Television! 😀

Dominika at Pokoj na Poddaszu show 18.03.2024

Dominika Dominika was a guest in the “Pokój na Poddaszu” show broadcast live on TVP3 Katowice. It was about the history of the band, about the meaning of the latest single “Scarlet“, about plans for the future, both the immediate and the one far beyond the horizon.

Dominika at Pokoj na Poddaszu show 18.03.2024

Thank you for the invitation, and the host – Dominika Brzozie-Piprek – for a very nice conversation!

Dominika at Pokoj na Poddaszu show 18.03.2024

.: ALHENA :.

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We, as a band, are the winners of the 3rd Piotr “Grudzień” Grudziński Poll for 2023 organized by SIN “Progres”!! ⭐️

Piotr Grudziński plebiscite - ALHENA

The aim of the poll is to recognize and honor artists of progressive rock genre 🎵🎶

The awards for 2023 also go to:

🔥 Bartosz Kazimierski, our axeman, the winner of the “Guitarist” category 🎸

🔥 Piotr Pryka, our keyboardist, the winner of the “Keyboardist” category 🎹

🔥 Maciej Tonder, our bassist, the winner of the “Bass Player” category 🎸

🔥 Piotr Grugel, our stickman, the winner of the “Drummer” category 🥁

🔥 Dominika Kapuśniak, our vocalist, the winner of the “Vocalist” category 🎤

Piotr Grudziński plebiscite - Bartosz Kazimierski Piotr Grudziński plebiscite - Piotr Pryka
Piotr Grudziński plebiscite - Maciej Tonder Piotr Grudziński plebiscite - Piotr Grugel
Piotr Grudziński plebiscite - Dominika Kapusniak

SIN “Progres”, thank you for a wonderful initiative promoting the progressive rock genre and above all in memory of the late Piotr “Grudzień” Grudziński, a great musician!! You are doing an awesome job!! ❤️

Many thanks to everyone who participated in the poll and cast their vote for us!! This means the world to us!! ❤️‍🔥

And by the way, we can now officially announce that we will be playing at this year’s 18th edition of the Tomasz Beksiński Progressive Rock Festival!! ⚡️

.: ALHENA :.

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We are starting the weekend off with the fantastic news!! ?

On April, 20 we will be playing at the 3rd edition of the Spring PROG Festival at Przystanek Otwartej Kultury Kazimierz in Sosnowiec, sharing the stage with Here on Earth, proAge and Millenium!! ⚡️

Spring PROG Festival 2024

This will be an amazing day, full of the best music, unique emotions and unforgettable impressions!! 😍🥰

You just cannot miss it there! ☺️ See you soon down the front! 😊

.: ALHENA :.

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