Eugene Ryabchenko is a drummer who needs no introduction. Hi is known primarily from the ranks of Fleshgod Apocalypse. He is also a session musician, morover, in the past he supported our Polish Decapitated.

Eugene also hosts a show called “ViewGENE: Public Drum Shaming by Eugene Roasting on his YouTube channel, where he reviews the playing of various drummers. A year ago he reviewed the playing of our drummer, Piotr (which we wrote about here).

In the Episode #41 of the series there appeared a review of a concert recording of our Piotr, whose playing was referred to by Eugene in superlatives! 🖤

“Beautiful flow, fluent movement, great!”; “It’s technical, it’s packed with a lot of drum pattern nutrition, but he’s playing with a lot of confidence”; “this video you submitted now proves everybody that they should never doubt you and this is awesome”

– these are just some of the words uttered by the host, who also spoke positively about the band itself:

“Very progressive, technical, smart music”; “Everybody seems to be very Pro”

ViewGENE #41

We are extremely happy that someone of this caliber appreciated our music, our playing, and our band.❗️🖤🤩🤘

Eugene, thank you very much! 🤜🤛 🤘

We encourage you to watch the review of our song.😊 ▶️

.: ALHENA :.

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