Today we bring you a concert video for our new single titled Changes. We hope that the video reflects a part of the impressions that ALHENA gives you at concerts! 🥰🫶

Changes Live Thumbnail

The song was recorded during the April concert as part of the “Maidens of Metal Live, vol. 1” w Złocienieckim Ośrodku Kultury. festival at the Złocieniec Culture Center. The footage was taken by the crew, with whom the Alhena band has been closely cooperating for some time and who did a really brilliant shots! 😉

And we warmly encourage you to watch and listen to Changes, leave a thumbs up 👍 under the video, and also to express your opinion in the comment ⌨. Your opinion is important as gold to us! 🥇

We also ask you to subscribe our YouTube channel, especially since something else will appear there soon! 👀 So stay tuned! 👁

.: ALHENA :.

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